Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday in Damoh

We are back from touring the India Offices of Good News Productions International. I've always been impressed with their monastery but am even more so after spending the afternoon with David over there. They are located across town from the co pound in which David and Sheela live. It doesn't take too long to get there and the drive isn't bad (or perhaps I'm getting more used to Indian traffic?).

The headquarters is technically closed today and tomorrow. They are required to be closed because there is a major Hindu festival going on. Despite that about seven of the workers came in so they could show us what they do.

We first sat in the entry area where the staff presented us with beaded garlands. -- no marigold flowers today -- these were beads and pompons.

?,. (David and Sheela's grandson, Elijah, came out on the veranda to help me type....)

Then, David introduced all the staff and told us about each person's responsibilities and how long they'd worked there. Then off for the tour. They are involved in so many different areas, I'm sure I won't remember them all.

They have a website for the ministry maintained by one of the men. It is in Hindi and designed for ministers and people around India though they have heard from people throughout the world in response to their postings. They have Bibles available in 15 languages online. There is an English version, but also Hindi, Urdu and other lesser languages in use in India. They also have complete sermons and sermon outlines to help Indian ministers. They have videos for youth that address current issues. They have helps for ministers to help them with weddings, funerals, dedications -- you name it.

A recent project they are working on is getting videos from Ben Alexander from Exposing Satan's Power (ESP Ministries) dubbed into Hindi and posted on to You Tube. ESP Ministries deals with the occult and demons. This is an issue in India, so their hope is these videos will reach people. The problem with the project, however, is that to say something I Hindi takes 165% more words than it does in English. Therefore they must translate Ben's messages and make them fit into Ben's video. They have done well - even down to incorporating a cough.

We met the fellow who does the special effects and Photoshop effects in their films. When films are done at 24 frames per second, making a minor correction means major work.

Then into the production studio. We saw many projects from old to new. We are bringing back one video to use later this year. I won't spoil things by telling you about it.

They are active in many types of video projects -- for youth, music, preaching and teaching sessions sent to village churches, full length features that are shown on national TV. The scope is enormous

Coming home, Mike and I rode in the world's most inexpensive car, the Tutu. Not sure I spelled it right. It seats four and runs about $2500, getting ~60 miles per gallon. It can reach about 50 mph -- I don't think I've been on any roads yet where one could go that fast! I'm not quite ready to run and get one for my daily commute...

The weather here is HOT. It is not their hottest time of year though. It's around 90 and humid during the day, but does cool down at night. Everywhere has ceiling fans and we have been fortunate to have window AC units where we sleep. Here in Damoh we are staying upstairs in David's mom's house -- incidentally in the house where Donald McGavern was born. That name may mean something to some -- he's famous in Christian Church mission history. The heat is making my hands and feet swell. I'm so thankful for my Velcro sandals -- They adjust for whatever my feet are doing at the time!

Keep praying. I should be able to post at least every day. David has wifi and it works well!


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